Code Generation

Allows meta-programming-like experience to reduce repetitive code.


Configuration Targets

Code generation layer provides IGeneratedAssemblyCollection, IGeneratedFileCollection and GeneratedContext configuration targets.


This target is provided in GenerateCode phase. To configure it in a feature;

configurator.ConfigureGeneratedAssemblyCollection(assemblies =>


This target is provided in Compile phase. To configure it in a feature;

configurator.ConfigureGeneratedFileCollection(files =>


This layer introduces following Generate phases to the application it is added;

  • GenerateCode: This phase creates a IGeneratedAssemblyCollection instance and places it in the application context
  • Compile: This phase compiles generated code during above phase, saves generated assemblies and files to entry assembly location with ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT subfolder

To access to a generated assembly or file from a feature use below extension method;

configurator.UsingGeneratedContext(generatedContext =>
    // generated assembly
    var assembly = generatedContext.Assemblies[...];

    // generated file helpers
    var path = generatedContext.Files[...];
    var contentString = generatedContext.ReadFile(...);
    var data = generatedContext.ReadFileAsJson<...>();