HTTP Server

Baked uses ASP.NET Core's WebApplication to build and host a web application.


Configuration Targets

HttpServer layer provides IAuthenticationCollection, IMiddlewareCollection and IEndpointRouteBuilder targets to configure a web application.


This target is provided in AddServices phase. To configure it in a feature;

configurator.ConfigureAuthenticationCollection(authentications =>


This target is provided in Build phase as the first target. To configure it in a feature;

configurator.ConfigureMiddlewareCollection(middlewares =>


This target is provided in Build phase right after IMiddlewareCollection. To configure it in a feature;

configurator.ConfigureEndpointRouteBuilder(routes =>


This layer introduces following Start phases to the application it is added;

  • CreateBuilder: This phase is the earliest phase in an application which creates and adds a WebApplicationBuilder instance to the application context along with a ConfigurationManager instance
  • Build: This phase adds all services from dependency injection layer to the services in WebApplicationBuilder instance, then builds the app and adds WebApplication and IServiceProvider instances to the application context
  • Run: This phase is added to the application internally as the latest phase to run the WebApplication